MRAA Recognizes Jeff Strong's Commitment to Advocacy

At MRAA's annual dealer week in Orlando Florida, Jeff Strong of Strong's Marine received the dealer ambassador award for his commitment to advocating for the marine industry.
The Marine Retailers Association of the Americas (MRAA) awarded the annual MRAA Dealer Ambassador Award to Jeff Strong, President of Strong’s Marine in New York, during the 2024 Dealer Week Conference and Expo in Orlando, Florida. This award is given to the MRAA member who has displayed an outstanding commitment to advocating on behalf of the recreational boating industry and is actively working to better recreational boating in their community.
During the conference's Awards luncheon, Jeff received the award from the MRAA's Government Relations team, with the presentation conducted by Chad Tokowicz and Mike Sayre.
Learn more about Jeff's 2024 advocacy efforts that contributed to this honor.
Jeff Strong at Capitol Hill
During 2024, Jeff Strong collaborated with the MRAA on numerous advocacy efforts, such as participating in the American Boating Congress and providing testimony on Capitol Hill.
Jeff Strong's testimony provided key insights on how marine retailers stand to benefit from various bills before the committee while highlighting the shortcomings of the proposed Right Whale Vessel Speed Rule and the impact it stands to have on marine retailers. As a business owner himself Jeff Strong brought his decades of experience in the Marine industry to the table pointing out key shortcomings in some studies. Jeff Strong spoke before the House Committee on Natural Resources, Subcommittee on Water, Wildlife and Fisheries.
While presenting the award Chad Tokowicz, MRAA Government Relations Manager praised Jeff's commitment stating, "Jeff has continually highlighted his dedication to advocating for marine retailers and we cannot thank him enough for his efforts to ensure that decisionmakers on and off Capitol Hill understand the power and importance of our industry.”
As we move into 2025 and the 119th Congress, the MRAA Government Relations team will prioritize maintaining retailer engagement with Congress members and the new administration, with Jeff setting a strong example for our ongoing efforts.
Congressman D'Esposito Visits Strong's Marine
Jeff Strong welcomed Representative Anthony D’Esposito to his Freeport site and participated in discussions with Senator Chuck Schumer’s team to advocate for the approval of essential legislation. Even with his duties as Chairman of the MRAA Board and President of Strong’s Marine, which operates 13 locations throughout Long Island, his dedication to supporting marine retailers and the recreational boating industry was unparalleled.
The visit offered Representative D’Esposito a chance to connect with the local marine industry, address key issues affecting small businesses and marine retailers, and further develop the Congressional Boating Caucus. During his time there, Rep. D’Esposito toured the facility, interacted with staff, and conversed with Jeff Strong, Owner of Strong’s Marine, and Dante Grover, Owner of Al Grover’s Marine, regarding the economic influence of the marine industry in New York’s 4th district. Rep. D’Esposito also gained firsthand insights into the challenges and opportunities within the recreational boating industry.
“I cannot underscore the importance of engaging in advocacy enough. These opportunities allow our industry to build relationships with key legislators while educating them about the importance of the recreational boating industry and our top policy priorities,” said Jeff Strong, President of Strong’s Marine.
“I cannot thank the MRAA Government Relations team enough for not only creating these opportunities, but also helping me feel comfortable, prepared and ready to engage. I encourage my fellow marine retailers to stay on the alert for these opportunities, or reach out if you are interested, as the MRAA Government Relations team will work tirelessly to help you advocate for your business and the industry at large.” (Source, MRAA)
Leaving your business to advocate for the entire industry can be challenging, but it is a crucial aspect of MRAA's advocacy efforts. Jeff's commitment to sharing his story and his experience as a fourth-generation business owner fosters vital conversations between the government and local business owners. His efforts set a standard for MRAA members.
In 2025, with new members of Congress and state legislatures, there will be significant activity at both the state and federal levels. This is the ideal time to engage in meaningful discussions and participate in advocacy efforts.